Do you have dental insurance through BlueCross BlueShield? Your policy is a
valuable resource that can help you enjoy the preventive care smile needs in
order to thrive. It can also step in to help you out if your smile ever
needs a little restorative treatment. But how can you get the most out of
your BCBS policy? Our team is here to help. As an in-network BCBS Dental
dentist in Bartlesville, we can guide you through the process of maximizing
your benefits.
BlueCross BlueShield of Oklahoma offers a number of different dental plans. Many of them are PPO in nature, which means that you have the freedom to visit any dentist. PPO plans can vary in their coverage, so you will have to check the specifics of your policy to discover how it works. In the meantime, we can give you an overview of how PPO plans in general operate:
While your plan may allow you to visit any dentist, it is to your advantage to visit an in-network practice. That’s because we have a contract with BCBS that controls prices. Plus, you will enjoy higher coverage levels. For example, something that is 80% covered at a non-network dentist may be 100% covered at an in-network dentist.
Keep in mind as well that PPO plans enforce an annual maximum. This is the greatest amount that BCBS will pay out for approved services within a calendar year. Typically, an annual maximum can be anywhere from $750 to $2,000. Choosing an in-network dentist help you get more out of your annual maximum. We may even be able to schedule major procedures across calendar years so you can utilize two annual maximums for the same treatment and minimize your out-of-pocket costs.
Everyone on our team wants to help you maximize your BCBS dental insurance in Bartlesville, but Rian, our patient care coordinator, takes the lead in that arena. She has more than five years of experience in the dental field, and she is wholly committed to creating a positive experience for our family of patients. She can verify your coverage, help you find answers to your questions, and file your claims for you.