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How Temperature Can Potentially Affect Sleep Apnea

May 2, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentistrybydesignteam @ 4:16 am
a person sleeping at night in a cool bedroom

Sleep apnea is a very serious and widespread issue—did you know that it affects millions of people each night; about one in every fifteen people? It’s characterized by pauses in breathing during sleep that is often marked by chronic snoring, among other symptoms—but the loss of sleep is far from the only problem that can result from the condition, and if left untreated, severe health complications can arise. That said, the cause of sleep apnea isn’t always clear and there are normally many factors worth analyzing when trying to determine the cause of the condition. One of these conditions is actually temperature! Keep reading to learn more about this connection.


Are Your Invisalign Aligners Turning Yellow? Here’s What to Know!

April 23, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentistrybydesignteam @ 4:24 am
a woman smiling with her clear Invisalign aligners

Millions of smiles have been straightened without the metal brackets and wires of traditional braces. Yes, that’s right…Invisalign has changed the game of orthodontics! No longer do people have to live with their crooked teeth or avoid showing their metal braces. By wearing a series of clear aligners, your teeth can be moved into their desired position without virtually anyone noticing. But what if you have noticed your aligners have recently turned yellow? Read on to learn the causes of the discoloration and what you can do to return to undetectable orthodontic treatment with Invisalign.


Are Invisalign and Bruxism a Bad Mix?

March 23, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentistrybydesignteam @ 11:40 pm

Clear aligner on dental moldThe alignment of your teeth is important for more than just a beautiful smile. Their positions also affect your oral health and functions. Alignment issues can affect your bite, which can trigger a subconscious habit of grinding or clenching your teeth from uneven pressure distribution. You have more options than ever to fix bite and alignment issues, like clear aligners. Instead of brackets and wires, clear aligners are worn over your teeth to move them into their best positions. Don’t worry if you have bruxism, you may still be a candidate for Invisalign.


4 Reasons to Schedule Dental Checkups Early in the Year

January 10, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentistrybydesignteam @ 2:35 am
person’s hand circling the word “dentist” on calendar

When the year first starts, it can be pretty hectic. From preparing to go back to work after winter vacation to helping your kids finish their homework assignments before they start a new semester of school, there’s a lot to do during this time of year. Even so, things are sure to get busier once you get back to your normal life. This is one reason why it’s a great time to set up an appointment with your dentist. Continue reading to learn about why getting dental checkups early in the year is a good idea.


Give Your Partner Snore-Less Sleep

January 6, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentistrybydesignteam @ 12:09 am

Woman unable to sleep from man snoringQuality sleep is vital for physical and mental health. If your partner’s snoring is causing both of you to lose sleep at night, it might be time to turn to a professional. Although everyone snores occasionally, if the problem is ongoing, it can be a sign of obstructive sleep apnea, which can cause your partner to stop breathing frequently. You can give your loved one the gift of snore-less sleep with oral appliance therapy.


Top Tips for Traveling When You Have Sleep Apnea

December 2, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentistrybydesignteam @ 11:05 am
people traveling with sleep apnea walking in airport with luggage

Whether you are traveling home for the holidays or planning a getaway to celebrate the New Year, it’s important to properly plan before you go. This is especially true if you are impacted by sleep apnea. A common sleep disorder affecting roughly 20 million Americans, sleep apnea symptoms can put a damper on your fun if you’re not careful. Keep reading to discover four tips from a dentist for traveling with sleep apnea.  


4 Holiday Foods That Can Harm Your Dentures

November 5, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentistrybydesignteam @ 1:22 am
A set of dentures with a split down the middle

The holidays can be stressful for many reasons. Traveling home to see family, driving store to store to get gifts, and baking your holiday favorites can all be a lot to think about. If you have dentures, trying to figure out which holiday foods you can eat might be too much when you have the rest of that going on. But knowing how to manage your diet is one of the best ways to increase your denture’s lifespan. Not to mention, once you know what to avoid, taking care of your dentures is easy! To take away a bit of the headache, here’s a rundown of some foods you should cut back on this holiday season.


Use Your Dental Insurance to Control Diabetes

September 24, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — dentistrybydesignteam @ 12:58 am

Dental insurance form on deskIf you’re not proactive about controlling your diabetes, your health isn’t the only thing that can suffer. Diabetes can take a toll on your smile, too. The condition increases your risk of gum disease, a preventable infection that occurs from bacteria found in plaque and tartar buildup. Since diabetes can compromise your immune system, you can be at risk of infections. With gum disease linked to various issues, like diabetic complications, a healthy smile is vital for your oral and general health. Don’t worry, here’s how you can maximize your dental insurance to keep gum disease at bay for minimal out-of-pocket expense. 


4 Reasons to Attend Dental Checkups with Dentures

September 21, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentistrybydesignteam @ 4:43 pm
patient attending dental checkup with dentures

Biannual dental visits are an important part of maintaining a healthy mouth. These checkups allow you to thoroughly have your teeth cleaned and give your dentist an opportunity to do an exam and identify any oral health problems that need to be treated. If you wear full dentures, you may think attending these visits is no longer important, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. Continue reading as we discuss four reasons why you should still attend dental checkups with dentures.


Fact Busting 5 Denture Myths

July 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — dentistrybydesignteam @ 6:37 pm

Myth busting envelop about denturesDentures have been used for generations to replace lost teeth; however, they often have a bad reputation because of various misconceptions. Don’t let common myths about dentures prevent you from rebuilding the beautiful, functional smile you deserve. Here are the facts behind 5 popular rumors about the tried and proven method of treating tooth loss. 


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