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5 New Year’s Resolutions for a Healthier Mouth

January 1, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentistrybydesignteam @ 6:52 pm
person eating an apple

Most of us make New Year’s resolutions, but a lot of them don’t last even through the month of January. Sticking to a new resolution, especially one that has to do with your health, can be difficult, but it’s imperative that you remain committed throughout the whole year. New Year’s health resolutions might be the hardest, but if you stick to them, they will provide the most benefits. Here are five dental health care resolutions to give you healthier teeth and gums in 2020.


Can a Tooth Abscess or Toothache Kill You? The Answer Could Save Your Life

December 8, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentistrybydesignteam @ 8:49 pm
Woman in dental chair touching her cheek

The number of emergency room visits for tooth-related pain almost doubled between 2000 and 2010 (from 1.1 million to 2.1 million). Many of these visits were due to painful toothaches or tooth abscesses that had become unbearable. And while pain relief is usually the driving factor, there’s an even more important reason to seek treatment right away: An untreated toothache or abscess can be fatal. However, emergency dental care will not only relieve your pain but also potentially save your life. Learn more below about the signs of a tooth abscess and how it can be prevented and treated. 


Root Canal Therapy: Spotting the Signs of a Tooth Infection

November 20, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentistrybydesignteam @ 4:20 pm
person with a toothache holding their mouth

How do you know if you need a root canal? If you’re sitting in your office chair at work with a searing toothache that won’t go away, you’re probably searching what the symptoms of tooth infections are on the computer. Knowing what signs to look out for and why it’s important to act quickly could be the difference between saving and losing a tooth. Read on to learn about the ins-and-outs of root canal therapy and how to tell if you need the treatment.


Your Dentist Lists 3 Simple Ways to Prevent Dental Emergencies

August 30, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentistrybydesignteam @ 7:04 pm

Patient in need speaking with dentist According to Dr. Connie Kracher, more than 5 million teeth are knocked out each year. Similar dental injuries include chipped, cracked and aching teeth. Damage to your teeth can also stem from long-term decay and disease. While some incidents are inevitable, it’s possible to take preventive steps to protect your oral health. In this post, your emergency dentist in Bartlesville outlines three easy ways to prevent dental emergencies and keep your smile wide. 


Your Emergency Dentist In Bartlesville Reveals How To Handle Common Dental Dilemmas

June 17, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentistrybydesignteam @ 7:17 pm

person with a toothacheAt work, you begin feeling a throbbing pain in your tooth that keeps distracting you from what you’re doing. You don’t want to make a big deal out of it and feel like if you just muscle through the day, you’ll be fine tomorrow. Well, what do you do when the pain continues? Putting off your oral discomfort could cause you even bigger problems. Knowing what to do when you have a dental dilemma on your hands can be the difference between losing and saving a tooth. Read on for tips on how to handle common problems from your emergency dentist in Bartlesville. (more…)

How Sleep Apnea in Bartlesville Can Impact Your Health

May 15, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentistrybydesignteam @ 6:01 pm

Man tired at work deskMany adults can be a bit grumpy or irritable when they do not get the recommended 7 to 9 hours of quality sleep at night. According to the National Sleep Foundation, more than 18 million Americans adults have sleep apnea, a disorder that interrupts the normal sleep cycles – that is a lot of grumpy people! However, beyond feeling drowsy or irritable, untreated sleep apnea can have serious negative health impacts. To learn more about the risk factors and health impacts of sleep apnea in Bartlesville, keep reading below.


Are You Aware of the Signs and Symptoms of Sleep Apnea in Bartlesville?

March 13, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentistrybydesignteam @ 11:15 am

An exhausted man at work Did you know that an estimated 1 out of every 4 adults in the U.S. has sleep apnea? You probably associate this common condition with snoring and restless nights, but there’s much more at stake! In fact, sleep apnea in Bartlesville contributes to high blood pressure, stroke, diabetes, obesity, and heart attacks. Some doctors have said that sleep apnea triples a person’s risk of early death. Thankfully, there are simple, non-invasive treatments that reduce all of these risks, but the first step is recognizing the signs and symptoms. Since Sleep Apnea Awareness Week is this month from March 10th through March 16th, it’s the perfect time to get information that just might save your life!


Celebrate Children’s Dental Health Month with These Tips from a Children’s Dentist in Bartlesville

February 7, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentistrybydesignteam @ 6:34 pm

Your family dentist in Bartlesville has a brand new website. Take a look and then schedule an appointment with our friendly, committed team today!Do you want your family to have healthier teeth and gums? Of course you do. A great way to start is by making appointments with your children’s dentist in Bartlesville. While you’re at it, have your children pick out new toothbrushes designed to remind them of their favorite characters. Wrap it all up by making a fun color chart, trying a plaque disclosure test, and hosting a sugar-free celebration. There is no better way to set the tone for a tooth-positive 2019.


The Hidden Dangers of Sleep Apnea in Bartlesville Explained

December 14, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentistrybydesignteam @ 8:29 pm

woman sleeping peacefully on pillowHave you been told that you snore while you sleep at night? If so, it could be a warning sign that you have sleep apnea in Bartlesville. A condition that affects over 22 million Americans, it can cause serious health problems. Sadly, though, 80% of the people with sleep apnea go undiagnosed. Find out what the dangers of not treating the condition are as you read on.


Tips from an Emergency Dentist in Bartlesville for Avoiding Holiday Tooth Problems

November 28, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentistrybydesignteam @ 2:35 am

tooth graphic next to first aid kitThere’s nothing like the holidays for putting a smile on your face. But smiling is the last thing you feel like doing when you’re suffering from a toothache or other dental condition. Following a few suggestions from an emergency dentist in Bartlesville can spare you from needless suffering while you enjoy your seasonal celebrations.


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