Halloween is just around the corner which means that there is tons of fun in store, especially for your kids. Whether your family is dressing up or watching some age appropriate scary movies, there is one thing that’s for sure. Your kids certainly don’t want to be dealing with cavities after Halloween. A few sugary treats don’t usually hurt, but when there are heaps of delicious candy sitting around, it is easy to get your smile into some trouble. Your children’s dentist in Bartlesville explains how different popular sweets affect your child’s teeth so you can make a more informed decision on what they snack on during the spooky season.
The great thing about chocolate is that is washes off of your teeth easier than other types of candy. This popular Halloween treat contain sugar, but it’s probably your best bet this Halloween. Also keep in mind that the darker the chocolate, the less sugar it contains.
Hard Candy
The problem with hard candies is that they don’t melt away nearly as quickly as chocolate does. This means that you tend to keep it in your mouth for longer periods of time. The longer it is in your mouth, the more it washes over your teeth. If you bite down on hard candies, you can accidently break your teeth. These sweets should be enjoyed with caution.
Gummy and Sticky Candy
This is one of the worst types of candy for your teeth because it is difficult to remove. The longer it stays on your teeth, the more likely you are to develop tooth decay and cavities. These are definitely sweets you should be picky about if you want your children to avoid additional time in the dental chair.
Sour Candy
Candies that are particularly sour can be very acidic. Even if you enjoy this sensation that makes you pucker, you should know that acid can easily damage and weaken the enamel of your teeth, making you particularly vulnerable to cavities after Halloween. These are definitely ones to limit.
Popcorn Balls
As delicious as these can be, they are sticky, sugary, and hard. The kernels are also likely to get lodged between your teeth if you aren’t careful. This fall favorite is definitely one that you should be particularly weary of.
Halloween is a fun holiday to celebrate with your family, but you know what isn’t fun? Spending time getting cavities filled. By being mindful about the sweets that your children are consuming, their smile can stay both healthy and happy.
About the Author
Dr. Luke Lumpkin is a well experienced dentist who has been practicing for over a decade. He earned his Doctor of Dental Surgery from the University of Oklahoma College of Dentistry and is a member of the American Dental Association, Academy of General Dentistry, and the American Academy of Sleep Dentistry. For more information on keeping your kids’ smiles healthy or to schedule an appointment for your child, visit his website or call (918) 336-6777.